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Old 01-13-2011, 05:09 AM   #13 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by CreativeAllie18 View Post
Alice was pulled out of her intense stare at the door by the blur of what Alice thought was a body. By the time her eyes focused the blur was gone, and instead Alice felt the bench move as if someone had crashed into it. Looking down Alice spotted the source...Lexi.

Lexi was bent over giggling. Did anyone see that? Alice looked around the entrance hall to find the people who were there were still looking and chatting the way they had been before Alice was pulled out of her staring contest with the door.

"No, I don't think anyone saw," Alice said with a weak attempt at a smile. She took Lexi's hand and helped to pull her onto the bench next to her. "That looked a bit painful though. Are you alright?"
Lexi giggled a bit more as Alice helped her up. "Ah. It was nothing. What looks painful is that look on your face, kiddo. What's up?" she said as she rubbed absently at her left knee. Okay... the fall had smarted a little bit.

Lex unholstered her wand and summoned her pink Converse to her and put them on quickly. Heheh. That was epic. Perhaps Glisseo on the Entrance Hall WOULD be worth the trouble. Mhm.
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