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"I say, my gosh." Selina answered hand still plastered to her hip. Dropping her voice to her usual Adam whisper she said, "I can't go around and say... my god."
When he answered her comment about her sister behavior she replied equally as sensitively as Adam, "Me neither. I don't have any siblings. I actually kind of grew up without parents too. Always working. But hey, I guess I can't say that now, huh?"
He went off into a trance of thought. She hoped what he was thinking was good. It seemed to her, although he had never divulged any specifics, that his home situation was not the best. Growing up was lacking for him and Hogwarts was really the only place he felt at home. For that she was glad, everyone deserved a place where they felt good and comfortable. And Hogwarts was shaping up to be that place for Seilna too, minus her Aunt Jennette's house.
"And I wasn't laughing at anything in particular. Just the thought of you on the train..."
Well thank you. I am glad and impressed to see you think of me as YOUR GOD."Adam said with a smirk- knowing she was going to respond with something around those lines.
Guess not...So little sister when shall we start showing our sibling rivalry to others at the school?YOU answer this."he said sternly.
What about the train- that you would have never imagined me cowering in fear- did I seem more of the strong hearted one than the cowering in fear at the sight of my ex girlfriend?"He asked- though that sounded like the answer.
I'm guessing you have a similar life to me when it comes to your parents?"