Goo goo g'joob
Jacob nodded, "I'll send an order, straight away" he said. And a holster, yes that would be a good idea... mo more pants fires. He still didn't like the idea of remedial wand saftey. And the more he thought about it , the more he regreted the decision of Tate over Truebridge. Tate was sure to lecture him about something like 'One in Every Three Wizarding household explosions are due to improper wand saftey' or something like that
He wanted to avoid the nurse, but if he was gonna get off of Vindictus's bad list, he was going to have to do everything the man said. And Ivory was most likley gonna pull him into the hospital wing by the hair if he didn't comply.
Jacob stood up and walked to the door, leaving his broken, burnt wand. He waited for the Prefect to finish up with Professor V.