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Jaina sat down at the table for lunch and awaited Annabelle to arrive. This had already been a day for her...tripping into a boy in Ancient Runes, finding he was in her Charms class, too, along with giving the whole class jelly beans...she was still trying to figure out how he knew her favorite, but it was probably just a coincidence....then she didn't say hi to the potions teacher and apparently for someone who doesn't like chatter it's considered rude, then she also didn't know any spells for cleaning or retrieving water...this was all too much!!! UGH! A roast beef and swiss cheese sandwich with mustard on rye bread popped up ontot a plate before her with some Doritos and a little green onion dip and somes carrots. A cup of apple cider appeared, too. Thank goodness the house elves knew she needed some comfort food! It's just what Joshua would have made her! she thought as she picked up half of the sandwich and took a bite.
Annabelle found Jania in the great hall. She was exhausted and already had some homework on her plate. She did manage to get the charm spell right to turn the object into a ball. She was starting to like this school, but she could really use some food. "Hi Jania!" she said as she took some roast beef and mashed potates onto her plate.