Originally Posted by
Lezleighd She realized that she must've been giving away her thoughts through her face and smiled her famous sparkling smile...and thought back..."Well, you do have a point, I was pretty good at the basics when I arrived at Hogwarts..."
She listened to him beside him, "Well, yes tons of studying already." she said nodding her head just half way listening almost getting lost in the view..."I have to agree this is one of my fave places...well I have a lot of them, but this one is at the top of the list. " she said pushing a stray purple strand of hair behind her right ear as she turned towards his offer to see what he was offering.
"O, no thank you. I'm allergic to pumpkin pasties" she said as she grabbed her bag and pulled out a licorice wand. "Now these I could eat my weight in...you?" she said as her way of offering one to him.
JP noticed to Purple hair. "That is a pretty awesome choice for hair color!" JP put his pasties away. and a big smile came across his face. He quickly looked up at the stars to try and contain his excitement. Licorice wands were his favorite and he ran out this afternoon. "Those are my favorite! I agree with you. I could eat there for days! So," Being slightly distracted by he amazing smile "you said you were a sixth year right? One more year and you're done. Are you excited??"