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Teddy had been staring at, well nothing really, when he heard the oh so familiar voice of his best friend. "Victoire!" He turned to face her. He gave a small smile. It was good to see her without her seeming angry.
"Vic, look I'm really sorry! I never ever meant to hurt you in anyway. I did something crazy and stupid and I'm sooooo sorry!" Teddy knew he was rambling but he wanted to get everything of his chest. "I never truely had feelings for Roxanne. I only had feeling for my best and truest friend."
Victoire scuffed her shoes on the ground awkwardly, too ashamed of her actions to even look up at her best friend. But when she heard the excitement in his voice she glanced up, focusing in on his face before she gave him a hug.
"I'm sorry Ted. I've been a complete and irrational....Diva." That was a good word to describe her ridiculousness over the entire situation.
Pulling back she shook her head,
"No Ted, you don't need to apologize. I was stupid. I mean...I don't have any claim on you. It wasn't my place to get so upset in the first place...I don't know why I did it." Well she DIDN'T know why, now she did.
"It wasn't crazy and stupid, you kissed a pretty, smart, funny girl. I shouldn't have been mad, I should have been trying to be HAPPY for you and Rox." Not being a total JERKKKK, like she had.
And then her breath caught, hearing him, and she watched him.
"What?" Her? He liked HER!? But...weren't they just best friends?