“True…But then magic in general is dangerous. We are lucky that we have really good professors to stop us getting into too much trouble. Even if we somehow managed to blow the school up there would be a nice quick magical way for them to fix it I suppose. It would probably only take a week or two. Not that anyone would be very pleased about the school being blown to bits…but it is just an example.”
A thought suddenly dawned on Alice, and it wasn’t a good one. “Hey you don’t think that is why that man from the ministry is here? Maybe the Ministry has decided enough is enough and the school needs to be made safer. I know that happened with that Umbridge woman in Harry Potters time but she went over the top. I don’t think they would stop us practising magic again... But in Muggle schools they have these people called Ofsted Inspectors, they come in and observe the school for a few weeks and then write this report, from that they decide what needs to be made safer and what teachers need to be changed or fired. Sometimes they will just shut the school down…”Alice’s voice faded away. They wouldn’t really do that would they?