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Old 01-12-2011, 09:50 PM   #480 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse

Originally Posted by Nimmiii View Post
For a second Ruby believed him--maybe he was innocent? But she then her brain started working again and whether he was innocent or not, he was gonna get it for disturbing her peace.
She tried to look hurt (but it didn't quite work) as he moved as far away from her as possible when she sat down next to him. But then the idiot fell for her trick and scooted over again. She listened to him babble about making different shapes and flavors, just to make it look like she was interested. She really couldn't care less.
And then--she smiled broadly and shoved a handful of marshmallows right his mouth so that it was bulging and some were toppling out. Laughing at this sight, Ruby quickly reached in her back pocket, grabbed a Muggle camera and snapped a shot of him, all goofy looking with marshmallows dribbling out of his mouth. Now THIS was surely how to spend a boring afternoon in this school.
"That'll be a keeper," She said, still laughing at the sight of him.
"I used to conjure 'em up in the shape of bunnies for my little sister, too, and tiger-shaped for my cousins, I also conjured up a rainbow-coloured marshmallow too, it was pretty cool, though the shape came out all wrong; it was supposed to be a Quidditch broom but it came out looking like a broom with arms and a foot, it was pretty weird" - blah blah blah blah blah. Poor Braeden was just going on and on and on about marshmallows and this and that when, suddenly, he found himself unable to speak another word.


Did that-- that-- that fiery lioness just stuff his mouth with marshmallows?! GAH. How did he not see it coming?! Of course she was going to do something to him! How naive of him not to realize. However, he had been expecting a kick to the shins or a slap on the face, not... death by choking on marshmallows!

Braeden coughed as a couple of marshmallows tried to make their way down his throat and choke the boy to death, when, just as he thought things couldn't get worse - the redheaded girl pulled out a camera. And then, FLASH! She'd taken a picture. And it wasn't Braeden's best. The boy looked like death had finally come for him in it; his hands were around his neck, his brown eyes wide as saucers, and an eruption of marshmallows had taken over what had once been his mouth.

It took the boy a couple minutes, but he was eventually able to cough out all the marshmallows (leaving a nasty mess on the floor) and breathe again, tears making his eyes sparkle and his complexion paler than ever.

After taking a moment to recompose himself, Braeden finally turned to his murderer, brows furrowing disapprovingly. A 'keeper', huh? No. He didn't think so. She was not going to keep that picture, and no one was ever going to see it! In less than a second, Braeden had leaned over her and snatched the camera from the girl's hand. "I don't think so, my demon-posessed friend," he said, keeping the camera safe in his hand. "This camera's mine now, it's the least you can do after trying to kill me," he said, raising his eyebrows slightly at her. "And, as my new property, I decide what will be done with this picture, and the camera overall..." he added dramatically, getting up to his feet at that moment and walking over to the fire.

Hehehehehe. If he just threw the camera in there, no one would ever, in a million years, be able to see that picture. The evil lioness wouldn't be able to use it as blackmail material and Braeden would be a free man. Because he was feeling so brilliant and evil at the moment, he took a second to throw his head back and cackle like a maniac. Oh yes, our lanky friend was definitely Evil personified.
Not really.

— the sun & the moon
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