Thread: Harry Potter: A Year in Hiding- Sa16+
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Old 01-12-2011, 02:16 PM   #35 (permalink)
SS Vaulter
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Sorry about the weight... I was re-writing some chapters and working on N.F.A.A

Here you go...

Chapter Eight – Inside Enemy Lines

They say they’ve got Potter” Narcissa Malfoy said in a cold voice. I could feel Harry fighting to remain in his own head as Jamie shook with anger. I was rigid, torn between fury and terror. “Draco, come here” I glared as the familiar face drew nearer. I was abruptly grabbed by my hair and forced to turn so that Harry was in front.

Well, boy?” Greyback rasped, his hand still in my hair. I saw Harry and Jamie glance in the gilded mirror in front of them. Hermione’s terrified breaths started to reach my ears.

I can’t- I can’t be sure” Draco muttered, seeming scared to look at Harry as he kept a distance from the werewolf, who finally let me go.

There’s something there... It could be the scar, stretched tight...” I hissed angrily as Lucius came close to Harry’s face, staring avidly. “Draco, come here, look properly! What do you think?” Draco obeyed his father for thirty seconds.

I don’t know” And I stared as Draco walked away again.

We must be sure, Lucius, before we call him” Narcissa called in a clear voice- I guessed that her voice was just permanently cold. “Remember what he did to Rowle and Dolohov?

What about the Mudbloods then?” Greyback growled, sounding slightly put that they didn’t believe him. I felt his fingers in my hair again.

Wait,” Narcissa said quickly, her cold voice turning sharp. “She was in Madam Malkin’s with Potter! Look, Draco, isn’t it the Granger girl?

I... Maybe... Yeah” Draco said without turning round. For the first time in my entire life, I felt something other than hatred for Draco Malfoy.

We know this one is the Daniels girl” Greyback said, pulling my head up. “We’re sure on it” Draco spun round at my surname.

How can you be sure? Daniels is a Metamorphagus” He said quickly, his eyes looking me up and down.

Actually, there is something familiar in the face... Draco” Lucius said, making me bare my teeth. Draco stepped between his parents slowly.

I’m not sure...” he said, his eyes probing my face as a small frown appeared on his face. Lucius looked to my left- at Jamie.

This is the Starlight boy!” He said happily and he stared down at Jamie, who glared back darkly. My eyes were still on Draco’s face as I sent them a startling bright blue for a couple of seconds.

Thank you for trying to help us, Draco’ I thought quickly as his mother straightened up. ‘I won’t forget this’ He jumped as my words entered his head but then stared into my face. ‘They need to know who I am though- please, Draco, tell the truth’ A slight frown crossed his features.

It’s Daniels- watch” And he leant forwards as if to kiss me. Instead, he whispered in my ear. “I’m not doing this to help them- I want out of this whole thing” And then his voice rose so that his parents could hear. “We got to your family” My hair turned a sickly green colour. “Your sister, Rosalie, was screaming for you- so she was silenced

NO!” I screamed, making him jump backwards as I started to struggle with the ropes again. Jamie was pulling against the restraints too as I caught the two words in Draco’s head.

I’m sorry’ I spat at him, my hatred magnified.

And then that must be the Weasley boy!” Lucius said, elated at his son’s brutality and their new found discovery.

What is this? What’s happening, Cissy?” Bellatrix said as she entered the room and walked forwards, her dark eyes falling on Hermione. “But surely, this is the Mudblood girl? This is Granger?” I snarled at the woman fighting to get free. As I heard the thoughts in the Death Eater’s head, I fell silent and tuned out of the conversation, ignoring the evidence of our fate. I closed my eyes and concentrated on Ginny, praying that she was at the Burrow. I heard the laughter before I saw them.

Fred, George and Ginny were playing exploding snap. The laughter came from Sean, Jamie’s father, who watched as the cards caught Ginny’s long hair. Molly, Arthur and Sophie, Jamie’s mother, were talking quietly round the coffee table. I was suddenly self- conscious of the ropes that were still round my Astro- projection self.

It feels ever so lonely at ours with just the two of us... I kept expecting Jamie to come down the stairs or Alicia to appear in the fireplace-” Sophie cut off, her eyes flicking towards me as I stood in front of the fire. “You see,” She said sadly, waving a hand towards me. “I’m seeing her now” She finished and Molly followed her gaze.

ALICIA!” She screamed and everyone jumped. Ginny sprang to her feet, her head whipping side to side.

Where?” She shrieked before her eyes fell on me. “Alicia! What- How- Where- I miss you!” She ran at me but I shook my head.

Don’t panic, I’m Astro- projecting... Don’t mind the ropes; we’re just in a bit of a situation, that’s all...” My eyes flicked towards the adults. “You need to get everyone out- now. Go to Aunt Muriel’s or something- the Burrow isn’t safe anymore... Sean, Sophie, you need to hide too- go to mine if you have to but- take of my family for me, they got to them

Who did?” Sean said quickly, standing up and I smiled at him.

The Death Eaters, of course... You need to move now- there isn’t much time- they know we’re with Harry, hence the ropes...” I heard Ron and Jamie shout in my ears. “I’m sorry- I love you all” I said quickly as a sharp pain appeared on my hand. I opened my eyes and was back at Malfoy Manor, my hand throbbing from the pinch Jamie had just given me.

You can have me!

Don’t you dare touch her!

I opened my eyes as the shouts cut off. Bellatrix was stepping back from Jamie, who had a hand print on his cheek. I watched as the witch threw Greyback his wand and drew a silver knife from inside her robes. She stepped towards Hermione and I froze, dreading the worst, but she slashed through the ropes holding her to the rest of us and threw her into the middle of the room. She then turned and cut me loose, dragging me towards Hermione as the others were shunted out of the room, towards the basement.


I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
Next Time You
Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back,
Or Break It, Break It Off...
Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The

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