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It did not slip Lexi's attention that the girl was staring at the atrocity on her head. Sighs again. It wasn't HER fault they were there. "No problem," Lexi mumbled back to the girl as she pulled her wand from it's holster and levitated the parchment back to where it out to be.
The girl... was staring. Creepertastic. Awww but she was so cute and quiet and obviously frightened of Lexi. WHY were other girls afraid of her? Smiling softly she said, "I heard what you said to Salander... I understand. You have a crush on him don't you? Is that why you did that? I kind of have to say, thank you. You might have stopped me from messing things up even worse." She reached out and patted the little girl on the arm softly.
Kurumi turned the color of a ripe strawberry again and she pulled her hair in front of her face for a quick color check. Phew. No pink or other shade making it's appearance, so that was good.
C-C-C-C-Crush?" Kurumi managed to squeak through the hair covering her face. Did she have a crush on Salander? She had never really thought about it? She did like him and he had protected her when they were in the Forbidden Forest...but was it a crush? Kurumi wasn't really sure seeing as she had just discovered that whole emotion last term with everything that had gone on. She would have to deal with that reality a little later as what the girl said next made her tilt her head to the side. "
Wha-wha-what do you mean?" Although, Kurumi was pretty sure she knew what the blonde was talking about. She had been snogging a different boy when she was caught by her boyfriend.