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Wait!.... What? This was what Jacob came down here for! Why did he need remedial wand lessons, it wasn't fair!
Who was he less afraid of...... Jacob couldn't choose, "UHM......" Jacob fumbled, not knowing what to say. "UHm......." was this part of the punishment? This wasn't humane.
Lafay?! No, he wasn't going to get any extra lessons from her. Come, fast! "UHM........... Tate!" Jacob said quickly...... No wait.... Whatever, their both better than sitting in a detention room with the crazy lady. But why did he have to do this anyways, it was so unfair.
"Alrighty then! I'll make arrangements with Headmaster Tate but in the mean time you need to get a new wand - you can't perform magic with a wand held together with Spellotape. Let me know when you get a new one and for Merlin's sake, use a wand holster!"
Vindictus saw that Ivory was still hanging out by the door.
"Ivory, can you please make sure Jacob sees the nurse regarding his, ahem, injury? He can't sit on a broom without treatment and tryouts are only days away."
He looked again at Jacob.
"Tell her that your wand backfired and leave it at that. Now off with you!"
He clapped his hands and rubbed them together.
"Now, who's next in line? Come on in!"