Originally Posted by
Amira With a C
"No, I definitely don't want to be a politician. I actually want to become a researcher. I'm currently attempting to create a vaccination that will render one immune to the Imperius Curse. Of course, I have no way of knowing whether or not that will be successful. I'd also like to integrate muggle and magical medicine. There are a lot of ways we could help them with certain afflictions, and vice versa. That's one of the reasons I put up with the politics that run rampant within my family." He shrugged then. It was weird to do all this talking. He'd felt uncomfortable at first, but not he was actually enjoying himself. "What about you? Have you decided on any career path as of yet?"
He held back a smile at her giggle. He'd smiled entirely too much already. It wouldn't do to forget himself. "Courtship is like a formal way of..." How exactly did one say this tactfully. Ah, yes. "Finding a partner. In my case, when I'm of age, my father will give me a variety of approved profiles. I will choose the one I find most suitable and then attempt to court her by going on escorted outings, giving her gifts, and introducing her to various members of my family. I will then ask for her hand in marriage. If she accepts, I have successfully courted her." He cringed a little as he spoke. It was very clinical, the whole process. He wasn't sure how he felt about that yet.
Ah yes. Studying. "I'm pretty much always studying so whatever would be easiest for you is alright with me. You can always send me an owl when you have free time or..." He shrugged again.
He listened as she spoke of this commune. He still wasn't quite sure what that was, but it sounded interesting. He'd always felt his house was too big for the amount of people who lived there. "You know", he said suddenly. "There must be something special about you, Miss Gibbons. I don't think I've ever spoken so much." He spoke lightly, but realized how true that was. Had he been missing out all this time? And missing out on what, exactly?
"Wow. You really have thought a lot about your future." Mia was very impressed and slightly in awe of this boy. He knew what he wanted to do already in his young life and he was working hard towards it. She on the other hand was still tossing around ideas. And of course he had to ask her. "Well I like Herbology a lot so maybe something to do with plants. But I have been seriously considering going into the Healing profession lately." She knew that she had a caring nature and she liked to help people, so it seemed the right thing to do.
Another giggle left her lips as Parke explained what a courtship was. Why didn't he just say when a guy and a girl hooked up? But the giggle quickly died out as he continued on and she gave him a horrifed look. "Wait a minute. Are you telling me that you don't even get a choice in the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with? I mean I know you're going to be given profiles but what happens if you don't like any of those girls what happens then?" Geez what happened to finding someone by chance and getting to know them and fall in love and all that?
Mia had been totally against the whole relationship thing at first but she still wouldn't have allowed someone to pick out a husband for her. And now that she had met Nik her views on relationships had changed. "Don't you want to fall in love with someone that you chose?"
"Or what?" She asked tilting her head to the side and giving him a curious look. And then out of nowhere he was calling her special. It was Mia's turn to blush this time but she didn't bother to hide it. "Oh well...thank you...Mr Ives. I'm not sure that I am special, just that I never shut up once I get started." She grinned at him. "And well maybe attending a school and parties with people that are kinda the same as you are, well you probably had nothing to really talk about."
Er...did that make any sense?