Originally Posted by
Amira With a C
He watched as she moved onto his blanket, feeling awkward all of a sudden. Which was stupid. After all, he'd been the one who'd offered. He shook his head slightly, attempting to rid himself of such stupid thoughts. It almost worked until she thanked him. He felt his flush deepen, and turned his head away, unwilling to allow her to see him in a state of embarrassment. What was the matter with him?
"Yes, I've heard the same", he said with a little nod. He bit down on his lip a little bit, uncomfortable. He didn't like gossip, even when it came to teachers. "I think she'll be alright." He was thankful when she changed the subject, though it wasn't anymore comfortable. "Yes, I'd like that." He turned his head back towards her, satisfied that his blush had sufficiently dissipated. "Thank you."
Parke startled a bit when she laughed. Was she laughing at him. Had he done something funny? Surely not on purpose. He listened when she spoke of homeschooling. He'd heard of it before. That would be wonderful, working out of the comfort of his own room. His parents would have never allowed something like that. "I went to a small male only academy in America. We didn't have things like this. Lakes and courtyards and whatnot. Mostly we just studied and did school work. Frivolity was poorly tolerated, to say the least."
Suddenly, he remembered he was trying to avoid this very scenario. Getting friendly with someone. He promptly stopped talking and frowned. He couldn't very well excuse himself now. That would be in poor form. No, he would stay. He just needed to make sure and stay detached. "If I may ask, why did you stop with the home schooling?" As an afterthought, he added, "I can help you if you'd like. At least with potions and arithmancy. I'm not too bad with combat readiness either. Though here I guess that would be like defense against the dark arts."
Belatedly, he realized that she'd just winked at him. He felt himself redden once again and deeply hoped that she wouldn't notice... and that all this circulation wouldn't cause premature aging or something.
She noticed the blush on his cheeks before he had the chance to look away but Mia could be tactful sometimes and made no comment about it. And besides she was starting to get used to boys blushing around her. Even though she still had no idea what it was that she was doing to cause such a reaction.
Mia nodded her head. "She's a good teacher. I think she just uses that tough love method of teaching." Well that was her opinion on the matter anyway. She had never personally had a problem with the Professor.
Well the boy was just full of surprises. Mia had not been expecting him to accept her offer at all. "No need to thank me. It would be my pleasure." She realised then who would the perfect person for him to meet. Evelyn. The two of them were so alike.
"A boy's only school? That would had to have been boring. I mean I know us girls can talk a lot and all. And well some of us are kinda tempremental but we're lots of fun too." Not sure why she felt the need to defend the female race all of a sudden. Maybe because Mr Ives didn't seem all that comfortable. "Didn't you ever just want to do something other than studying?"
Tucking her legs underneath her, Mia gave him a smile. "My dad really didn't have the patience to teach me. And it was hard trying to find places where the muggles couldn't see us." She ran her hand through her hair. "I live in a commune, in Australia. And dad and I are the only magical people in the commune so yeah it became kinda hard." She didn't mention that they hadn't been able to afford it until last year. Not that she had a problem with being poor but Mia had noticed that there were quite a few snobs at Hogwarts and they tended to look down at the poor people.
Her face immediately brightened at his offer. "Really? You would do that? That's really nice of you and I might just take you up on that offer." Because Mia could certainly do with the extra help especially this year.
Again she noticed the blushing and tactfully turned away from him and picked at the grass. "So do you have any siblings?"