Originally Posted by
Amira With a C
Well, at least this girl was willing to give him an appropriate handshake. Of course, she had to ask about his first name. Really, it was quite unnerving to be sharing such intimate details with complete strangers. Of all the places to send him...
"I do. It's Parke. With an 'e'." It was almost habit to add that little fact in by now. Not that it made his name any less obscure. "I don't care to use it usually."
Ah, Miss Gibbons. That had a nice ring to it. He gave the girl a half smile. At least she was respectful of their cultural differences, even if she was smiling so widely that she looked like she was going to explode at any moment. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Gibbons", he said formally, bowing his head slightly. Always proper manners in front of female company, he recited to himself. Though truth be told, this was the first time he'd spoken to one his own age.
"It's nice to meet you Parke with an 'e.'" Mia just couldn't help herself but to say that. But then he went on to add that he really didn't like it. "Oh that's too bad because I think it's a nice name but if you prefer I can call you Mr Ives."
She supposed it would feel strange at first to call him that but like everything else you get used to it after a while.
Oh and was that a smile?
When he bowed his head, Mia felt as though she should curtsey or something to that effect. She had never met anyone who was so formal before. Okay yeah Matty tended to be a little formal but there was also a warmth to him. This boy was a little cold but she sensed that he could be nice if he wanted to.
"So do you like Hogwarts so far?"