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Kellen's turn. As he scouted for a loose piece, found it, and moved it up top, he commented, "Yeah, lucky for us our couch smells." He glanced at her before going back to the game, "What did you learn about them? From what it sounds like, I'm getting the feeling they weren't anything like Hogwarts."
But then, nowhere was really like Hogwarts, was it? That was what made the place so unique, and what made so many seventh-year students sad that they wouldn't be returning the year after.
Satine glanced at him and rolled her eyes at the couch smell,
"You know I had almost grown immune to the smell of the couch until you brought it up again..." she said making a gagging sound followed by a giggle picking on him.
She tapped on a block on the bottom row in the middle and slowly edged it out on the other side and placed it on the top and then let her breath out since she'd been holding it...like breathing would make the whole thing fall.
"Well Hogwarts just teaches us about a more diverse wizarding world. Many of the other schools just focused on one aspect or the other.." she paused thinking about how to explain it. "
I mean like one of them only focused on the Dark Arts and then one of them was using more like a Muggle curriculum like with English and Social Studies and such...and then one only focused on being like a finishing school..." she paused..."
it was just different....and not a good different." she said shaking her head back and forth.