Banner by Me (:
Hello, I'm Lulu and this is my first story written on SS. This story is about my school charrie, Stephen Fanelli who's on the search to find his birth parents. Accompanied by his best friend, Lexi De Luca and later on by Tyler Way and Leonard Fanelli , the gang travel around Europe with some unexpected surprises.
Stephen, Leonard and Tyler belong to me. I have permission from Manda to use Lexi in this story. The world of Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling.
Chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Epilogue Prologue:
It was finally seventh term at Hogwarts for Stephen Fanelli and his best friend, Lexi De Luca. Both their trunks were packs early in anticipation to leave the school as soon as they can. But that meant leaving everyone they've met here behind so quickly. Stephen didn’t want to say goodbye to Aimee just yet. Plus, she had another term left at school. But as of right now, Stephen was sitting by the lake, staring into the water and not really thinking about anything in particular. Standing up to see his reflection, Stephen gazed into his own eyes. The green eyes he had always wondered about.
Who had them? Was it his birth mother or father? Or did both of them have green eyes? And which one had black hair or both did? These were just a few questions Stephen was never going to get the answers for. His current mom had told him his birth parents died sometime after he turned five. But Stephen didn't know that for sure.
"Stephen!" Someone called out behind him, but Stephen paid no attention to them.
"Stephen!!...STEPHEN ROGER FANELLI!!!" This time a shoe hit him on the head. Enraged, Stephen stood and quickly turned towards the person behind him. Only to find Lexi and one of her shoes missing.
"Why don't you look up when I'm calling you?" she asked, taking her blue heel from the ground and setting it back on her foot.
"Now I ruined my good shoe," "I was admiring myself in the water," Stephen replied, with a small laugh. As for the shoe thing, he was still rubbing the fresh bruise on his head and no one told Lexi to throw her shoe at him.
"Whatever," Lexi said and began digging into her bag.
"I have something for you from your mom. She said to make sure you’re relaxed when you read it. So are you relaxed?" "Not really after-" "Good. Now if I can just find it…" Lexi continued digging into her Fendi bag, which always made Stephen wonder why she would bring her expensive bags to school. They were mostly going to carry books and her makeup. Nothing more or nothing less.
"Oh, here it is!" she chimed and handed over a letter to Stephen.
"Did you read it?" he asked, and Lexi shook her head no. Stephen eyed her a bit but just shrugged it off. The parchment had wrinkles all over it. Meaning it was probably in her bag for a while. Opening up the parchment, Stephen began to read what his mom had written:
'My green-eyed monster,
I feel horrible about keeping a secret from you since the day we found you on our doorstep and brought you into our home. First, I want to say what you mean to me. I love you just as much as I love your brother Leonard. Even though you are not my biological son, in my heart you are. From watching you take your first steps, your first words and first disasters to now seeing a full grown wizard in front of me. Now that you're of age, I have to be honest with you. When we told you your birth parents had died, we lied. We just didn't want you to keep asking about them and where do they live. It was sad to think that your parents didn't want a wonderful kid like you. But please Stephen, don't go looking for them. We have no idea where they could be or what type of people they've grown into. We don't want you to have expectations of what they're like and then having those shattered.
Hope you're excited to come back home and we can't wait to see you.
- Mom'
Finishing the letter, Stephen didn't know whether he should feel upset, angry, sadden, betrayed or confused. But all of that wasn't going to change what he was about to do.
"What did it say?" Lexi asked.
"Make sure you pack plenty of things for the summer. We're going on a road trip," Stephen stated, putting the letter into his pocket and heading back inside.
"Wait, what? What do you mean road trip?! Where exactly are we going? Stephy, answer my questions! Why won't you answer me?!" Lexi followed behind her best friend, still getting no answer for everything she was asking.