The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion
HA! See he had won their argument on who had been hiding...or in his case, NOT hiding. Hehe.
Too occupied with staring at IT, Jeremy missed the grin on Jared's lips when he again suggested that it might be a featherless bird after all. "Nah, I doubt that. It would have probably already flown into my face if it could fly." Besides, what with being that fat it might prove a little difficult to fly...he was surprised the thing could even move.
Oh, now Lily had even voiced what he had dreaded. Great just great. "Yeah, I won't. I gotcha the first time." He muttered with a small rather irritated frown at both their obvious amusement about his situation.
Gazing intently at the huge IT making sounds and rubbing against his legs, he completely missed Jared and Lily's conversation about how it had got into the office in the first place. "We should get it to Maya. She should be able to identify it." And get rid of it too.
Or really just get it AWAY FROM HIM!