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Rox looked immediately at the girl which was talking to her. "Hi. I'm Rox, and you? Is that your first lesson, too?", she whispered while Professor Truebridge was talking in front of the class. The girl next to her looked nice.
"Yep." Heather said quietly so as not to disturb anyone.
"I'm a firstie." Quote:
Originally Posted by
Bennet didn't want to pry or seem nosy, so instead of explicitly asking what happened yesterday, he inquired, "Do you want to talk about it? Ya know, about whatever happened yesterday?" Bennet was mildly curious about the 'drama' she referenced. Not in an edge-of-his-seat, can't-mind-his-own-business kind of way, but in a it-might-be-good-to-know-what-other-students-are-doing-around-this-place kind of way.
Following her line of vision to the Counting Boy, Bennet shrugged. "I think so. I'm hoping so, anyway. Probably just nerves. A really bad case, by the looks of it."
"Umm, just something about me almost slipping a guy I had a crush on love potion. But I didn't know it was love potion or what it would do. His stupid brother just told me it would help him find his feelings and voice them and that Derian would like it." She rolled her eyes.
"So now Derian is mad at me and I'm mad at his brother Rafe and I'm out of friends, with the exception of Nika."
Heather looked back over to the boy.
"I hope he gets better, he's not going to survive in this school if he doesn't man up."