Originally Posted by
The Real Lily Potter
Coraline rushed through the door and sat down, she was shy to come to her first lesson, she sat on an empty table an opened up her book and read, at least maybe no strangers will talk to her, she would rather talk to her friends due to the shyness she has. she smiled as she heard the music playing, she had heard it before, it made her feel like she was home.
Katie smiled as she looked around, she was so glad classes were starting again, she had
missed them, probably because they were so awesome!
It came to her, yup BANG right then BANG you know that thought BANG! Anywya enough about the BANG she smiled and waved as she walked over to the table that Coraline was sitting at and said,
"If Luke and Lachy arrive we should invite them to the table, that way of its a group thing we can be all together" Katie smiled, she hoped she didn't scare Cora