*Getting tired of the comic book talk and feathers up in the boys dorms Matty came down to sit by the fire. He was ready for bed in his blue and yellow P.J.'s but wanted to write his uncle one more time before bed. Again pulling out the note book and his wand he started to write. But no answer... They must be at another party thing or something... With a long sigh he shut the note book and looked into the fire. His mind couldn't help but go back to thinking of his old and only best friend last term, Mia. He was still confused on his feelings for her. Friendship or...? Matty still had no idea and the more he thought on it the more confused he got.
He had met a very nice girl in Gryffindor tonight and they had a date planned for the up coming weekend but he wasn't sure he still wanted to go. With another sigh he looked deeply into the fire.*