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With a soft sigh, Sabel let his arms fall from the boy when he pushed them off. The concern and sympathy remained in his expression, but he tried to force a weak smile. It did nothing to help the constriction of his own voice. "You can't help who you fall for mate. No one can. And, it's not foolish you still care. It takes a long time to stop caring and even then, it never really goes away." A long time and a lot of repetitive pain.
He had to blink though when the younger boy asked him for advice. His running relationship with Lexi had never broken completely, but it had been stressed beyond measure more than he could count. "In all honesty, I don't know. Lexi...told me about you. Told me she thought you had a good thing going, so this, doesn't make........" sense? In a way it did. It was almost a repeat of what he had gone through except that they hadn't been in a relationship at that time. The lack of relationship was what made sense in his circumstance, in Ivan's given they were together it didn't make sense. Or at least that's what he preferred to tell himself. Whether it was true or not only Lexi could say.
"Be honest with her, if you speak to her again." That was the boy's choice and his alone, but given his feelings for her it was likely that he would. "Dead honest, even if it hurts to say or you think it would hurt her. She's strong and so are you." The next suggestion he had though, he wasn't sure he really wanted to give, although it was the dead honest truth. "Protect your heart." He hoped they could work things out, he honestly did, but he couldn't really say anything about Lexi's track record given he only had his experience and a few glimpses of the relationships she had been in. "She...can have a bit of a self-destructive nature at times."
Hearing the older boy's advice he nodded slowly. Wait, she had talked about him with this guy? Said they were good then...WHY?! Why had she done this. He thought hard over what he had done lately in case she was mad at him or something. No but he had been with her almost constantly lately...maybe that self-destructive thing had something to do with that.
"Honesty...right." He swallowed and looked up at the sky which looked almost to fit his mood. "Too late for protection," he said casually. One way or another, however this fell out it would effect his heart. Looking at Sabel he smiled slightly, "Thanks for listening."