Because this post TOTALLY made me giggle. It was just made of win!
Originally Posted by
With a wad Droobles Best Blowing gum in her mouth that consisted of about a pack of the stuff, Melanie strolled casually down the corridor. It was fairly empty, which wasn't necessarily a good thing. If she succeeded in her endeavor no one would see and bear witness to her bubble-blowing greatness. Sigh. Melanie figured it would be a good place to practice, though.
Taking a seat Indian-style against the wall, Melanie took a deep breath through her nose (yes... through her nose. Twas rather hard to breath through her mouth with all that gum in it). Then, she blew a bubble.
The girl went slightly crossed eye as she watched the big, pink, mass grow...
And then pop.
All. Over. Her.
It took a moment to register that she was covered in the pink gooey stuff and then, "Whaa!"