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Braeden listened attentively as his new acquaintance explained to him his view over his fate of becoming the head of a large family business, and how he preferred the financial aspect of it to the manufacturing. Brae smiled faintly, having figured that bit on his own; before he could ask any more questions, though, the clock tower began to echo throughout school grounds, and apparently reminding Amadeus that he had to be gone. As the older boy went off about how he needed to get studying for his NEWTs and this and that, Braeden couldn't help but be surprised, his dark eyebrows raising. Deus wasn't quite as nonchalant as he seemed, was he? He truly was a Ravenclaw. Brae had a feeling that if it wasn't for his obvious thirst for studying, the boy would have ended up in Slytherin instead.
And then he was inviting him - Braeden, of all people - to join him and help him out with Divination.
Braeden's brown eyes widened to saucers - he was kidding, right? Amadeus Kipling wouldn't ask someone as goofy as Braeden for help! It was absurd. But no, it seemed our cowardly lion had heard his Ravenclaw classmate right. Braeden couldn't help being flattered. "Sure, I'll help you," he agreed with a lopsided grin. "Let's go."
Amadeus became a bit less embarrassed as the Gryffindork took up his offer. "Splendid," He mused, motioning for them to turn back so they could re-enter the castle and leave the grounds. "I hope it's not too much of a fuss for you." He commented, a bit more of a bounce in his step as they walked along. He began to speak more animatedly, although not losing his cool nonchalance, as they made their way back to the stone confines of the castle and prepared to get to work.