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Old 01-09-2011, 09:18 PM   #10 (permalink)
Formerly: RonHermione 4 eva
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Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu View Post
"Oooooh! You're new!" Ah, that made more sense, then.

And....he was NEW. *Shifty*

"Well, it used to be, like, this BIG secret or something. But everyone knows now." Poor house elves probably don't appreciate that, much. Having people always barging in, demanding food. But then again, they seemed to like it alright. "All you have to do, is tap your wand on the banana." She folded her arms across her chest, and leaned against the wall. She was totally believable. Totally.

She was also kinda, sorta observant. And he had an accent. "Where'd you come from?"
...Oooooookkaaaay? "Oui...I am..." Chandler replied trailing off and nodding briefly. "A zecret? Why couldn't anyone else get into ze kitchens?" That must of been TERRIBLE! If he had known that there was the kitchens behind the bowl of fruit and he wasn't able to go passed the world would end for him. Literally. Well not literally because he could still get food from the great hall but still. "Good zing everyone knows now." Because of the reasons above. It was a GREAT thing that Chandler knew too. ...You tap your wand on the banana? "But wouldn't it get all bruised and ztuff and zen you won't be able to eat it? Or aren't you allowed to eat it?" He wanted to eat the banana, it looked yummy and nommy and...edible. :33

Where did he come from? Well he did have an French accent so obviously he came from Italy. EYE ROLL. But seriouuuusly..."From France."
ANGELO JASON SORDEAU__________________________________________________ _____
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