Formerly:CaleyShoutCaley<3   Mountain Troll
Join Date: Nov 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Lennox Harper Fifth Year | Quote:
Originally Posted by RonHermione 4 eva Chandler, before he had turned his head around to face Leo forgot entirely that he was wearing his Mario PJs and automatically let out a loud snicker. Hey, it wasn't his fault it was funny and the fact that they were Mario flannel PJs and he also had some dinosaur slippers on made it ten times better. SNORT. But what do you expect, this was Leo we were talking about though Chandler couldn't help but snicker.
He shrugged, at least he was safe near the kitchens though he didn't like that Leo had to sleep here. It was quite scary not to mention freeeeeeeziiiing. "You...'aven't?" He blinked, wide eyed as he looked at Leo in disbelieve. Wow, he wasn't joking but surely after this he wouldn't just go back there and spend the rest of the year in his dorms...right? "But mate, you 'ave to come out 'ere, you can't just stay in your dorm for ze rest of ze year." He would just befriend another male fourth year Slytherin to drag Leo out there daily. " izn't ZAT bad." Okay, maybe it was but Chandler was trying to reassure him that it wasn't as scary as he thought. Not that he thought it would work but at least he was trying. "Medieval torture devices?" He chortled, "I'm zure zey don't 'ave ANY in ze school you're just...over reacting." WHY WAS HE LAUGHING?! 
Leo raised an eyebrow, a confused look spreading across his face. "WHAT'S SO FUNNY?!"He asked while flailing his arms around. Did he have something in his teeth? Did he say something wrong? WHAT DID HE DO THAT WAS SO FREAKING FUNNY?! Leo had no idea. He had none what so ever. Only French Fry would start laughing in a scary dungeon....
Leo shook his head slowly at his best friend, biting his lip. He had now stopped with the flailing."It's too SCARY to leave the dorm..."Leo said, his voice frantic once again. FRENCH!fry didn't seem to understand. HE didn't have to come down here alone at night when scary things might happen. He could go....where ever his common room was which was probably located in a less scary part of the castle.
Right now, Leopold Gordon O'Donald wished he was a Hufflepuff.
PFFFFFT. "YES I CAN!"Leo said. He COULD stay down here for the rest of the year!"I could live off of the candy I brought with me."Leo said with a steady nod. He liked candy so it most certainly wouldn't be a problem.It wasn't that bad. Leo just shook his head, disagreeing with his friend. "YES.IT.IS."
He was over reacting?
;____; "You don't know that."Leo mumbled, crossing his arms. "What if the professors are like evil BLOOD SUCKERS who kill students who wander in the dungeons late at night? I'D BE ONE OF THE FIRST TO DIE. I'M THE WEAKER ONE OF THE HERD...."He wasn't aware he was making ZERO sense right now. Hehhh. |