Thread: Harry Potter: Just Matt - Sa16+
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Old 01-09-2011, 05:31 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hermione23 View Post
OMG that's so cool!

ROB HAS A DAUGHTER!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! ?!?!?!!!?

what kind of idiot woman would have a daughter with that mental pervert?!

an insane, so-crazy-it-makes-me-want-to-vomit kind of idiot woman


i want to see what happens with Matty & Alex!!
Yes, I thought I got across that he has a daughter
Amelie I'm guessing!
I'll post soon Kass xx

Originally Posted by Connie View Post
Hello Katie. You're doing a very nice job with your writing, and presenting the story. I hope you start liking how you're writing it soon. Even if it wasn't the direction or the way you had it planned. Sometimes you just feel a change all of a sudden, and you go with it. And who knows, you may be able to incorporate what you had in mind for the story originally later on. I think sometimes you just feel things and know it has to be a different way for a while at least.
Alex needs to have her mom committed.
Nice work Katie. I'll be watching for your next post. And of course I know your studies come first. So don't be pressured about us waiting on pins and needles waiting to see if anyone reported to the sibblings and cousins they were seen. I'll be watching for your next.
I'm beginning to like it because I'm coming up with ideas now I appreciate your support, I really do
She is a bt crazy!
Studies should come first, yes of course.
I'll post soon xx

Originally Posted by Jeyn<33 View Post
Great post, Katie! I'm with Connie; Alex's mom does need to be committed! Please PAMS!
Thanks Em
She sure does
I will xx

PS. I'm trying to find you on Facebok, but there are so many of you

Originally Posted by Cassiopia Malfoy View Post
WHOA.. WHOA... WHOA!!!!! No.. HE CAN'T GET OUT! Not Rob *needs to start the Rob-Must-Die-Club again*
NOOOOOOOOO MATTTTTTTTYYYY! I luff you! <3 and don't trust Alexa! She's Rob's daughter! Haha..! Matt is awesome, and midnight chess! That's brilliant.
Aww, I love the part about Dean, I love Dean! Well, not Soph's ff, but still. He's a pretty decent-sounding dude in this one!
Andddd whoaaa.. Alexa's mom needs to be committed!
Loved it Katie!
I think you're right!
She might not be like her Dad...or is she
Midnight Chess!
Yeah, not many people like Dean so I thought I should give him a good part in this FF
Thanks Gabberz xx

Originally Posted by Morag View Post
Hi Dear. How are you? How've you been feeling? Hope your better soon but I think I'm comming down with the flu too.
Ah! She sounds like you, a wee bit!
Aw poor Alexa. I'll hex her mum if she does it again
I love how Dean is in the story. I personally have nothing against him but I had horendous writers block and he had to turn bad for my story which I now feel bad about
It was more than ok! It was bloody brilliant!
Gabbeh, you do that and you know that I would so sign up again! :tackle:
Yeah, I'm sorry about that
But anyway Katie, It was a great post, and I'm missing you dearly. I think I may have caught the thing in music when I told you to breathe on me Oh well, I look forward to the next post!
Feel better,
Soph xx
Now that I think about it, she is a bit like me I'm not wearing many pony-tails anymore. My hair is going to be nice this year
Writers Block Sucks!
Bloody Brilliant! Thanks Though I don't totally agree
Sorry dearest!
I'll post soon xx

OK, I am officially reconvening the KILLING ROB Club. Anyone can join! Enjoy xx
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I wouldn't know what to say if I had you.
And I'll keep you a daydream away,
Just watch from a safe place,
So I never have to lose.
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