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Alrighty, Detective Soph, we are about to find everything out. 
Aww man! I was wrong! But I suppose, I can't always be right!
Viola was all over Scorpius, kissing him with her hands all over him. Without waiting to see what more they would do, Ruthie ran back up the path, regardless of a person shouting her name from behind her.
Well done Sarah Jane for getting it! I should have known better!
Two could play this game.
This is what I love about Ruthie. How nbloody determined she can be. Its a wee bit funny too!
I read this and broke into song
She made her way over to an empty bench with her book and started to pretend to read. She was dancing on the inside at her success of what this little outfit had done. Within seconds, she had company, male company.
Is that not going to look the tiniest bit weird. Who wears a fancy dress while reading?
“Because I’d never hurt you,” he said softly as he took a step forward and ran his hands through her hair.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I'm happy again!!!
Viola did the Bridezilla screeching and huffing.
Aw lol! I can totally see this! It is soo funny!
“All that matters is that we don’t let her come between us again,” Mmm... Tat is easier said than done. You were a tad vague with us there Emily!
Emily! There is always more to your stories! I hope there are more mysteries for me to try and uncover! It was a very exciting post!
I loved it and you have made me very happy!
PAMS Dear!
Detective Soph xx