Originally Posted by
Team ronmione
Adam looked up and ran to hug Fee.
"Hey Panda girl.Look I am reading something historical. Hogwarts, A History.
Have you signed up for Quidditch Try Outs yet?"He asked, remembering how they had both teased each other over Quidditch.
Fee giggled when Adam hugged her
."In a rush today?",she asked smirking.Why else would he come up and raaan to her.Hehe.It was almost funny how she had thought about him and their usual library meetings and in the next second he stood in front of her.
"Yees it did",the blonde nodded excitedly,"
what about you?!" Quote:
Originally Posted by
Looking up from her read she saw Fee in the library with a book in her hand. Picking up her own book she moved over to Fee and sat down, "What brings you to the library?"
Fee smiled at her friend opening her book on her lap."
Oh well i like to come her and get my daily doze of romantic novels",she giggled,"
what about you?!"Last year she had been here a lot of times when drama had stressed her out.The library was such a peaceful place you clould relax easily.