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Old 01-09-2011, 01:06 AM   #16 (permalink)
Formerly: moonyroxs

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Baht-ley - The Sweetest - TEAM 947!

The Basics

Name: Melanie Faith Lockhart
DoB: July 15th, 2056
Age: 17
Year: 7th
House: Hufflepuff


Eye Color: Green
Complexion: Pale
Height- 5'6"
Shape- She’s not extremely thin, but a bit on the slender side. When she first came to Hogwarts she hadn’t really been that sporty beforehand, and she wasn’t too muscular either, but she’s gotten stronger, due (mostly) to Quidditch practices.
Color- Light Brown
Texture- A little wavy
Style: She mostly wears casual stuff, the standard black robes at school, and jeans and a tee shirt when she can. She likes bright colors so most of her clothes are colorful. It's rare to never that Melanie is caught in a skirt or a dress- they're inconvenient.


Melanie's generally a very energetic person, always moving. She's immensely curious, and always wanting to try and learn something new, especially if it involves magic of some form. It still fascinates her.

She's usually outspoken, but sometimes afraid to truly voice her thoughts. Though she does value truth greatly, the occasional white lie will slip though her teeth, if so usually to get out of trouble or assist a friend somehow. She's really attached to her friends, almost to the point of being clingy. The bright side of this is she's extremely loyal to her companions. Melanie will go to drastic lengths to help someone she considers her friend and is quite a bit protective. Because she's trustworthy she expects her friends to be the same way and can be overly trusting to the point of being a bit gullible. Her feelings get hurt easily sometimes and she doesn't forget things and forgive as quickly as she'd like to. If something REALLY bad happens, she’s likely to let all of her emotions out... And then in most situations she'll do her best to pretend nothing ever happened, and bury her feelings and memories away... Which is why, when she does express her bottled up emotions, it's usually in an extreme way. The majority of the time, Melanie thinks things through, perhaps too much, before making a decision, but there are situations, usually when she does get over emotional, when Melanie can be quite rash. It's typically one extreme or the other.

Along with intense loyalty, another Hufflepuff quality she possesses is being a "hard-worker". She's not incredibly intelligent, but does her best in school. Once she's determined and sets a goal she does the best to her ability to accomplish it. After her head is stuck on something she's really stubborn and won’t give up. Melanie would argue about the color of the sky if she had her mind set on it. She's very competitive.

Melanie's still fairly young and can be immature at times. Her imagination runs wild, and she easily blows things out of proportion. Some conversations she has are just awkward, if they lead to the subject of boys or drama. She's not much of a gossiper as she's not too huge on drama AT ALL. However, one of her more obvious flaws is that she over thinks small situations, to the point where to her; something can seem a bigger problem than it really is. So, as much as Melanie dislikes drama, it's easy for her to end up in the middle of it.

All in all she's good at heart and tries her hardest to make the right decisions. She's generally quite friendly, fun loving, and always looking for a new friend in someone.

(A more in depth bio, including a partial history and extras, can be seen here)

OOC:: Hey, I'm Lindsey! I live in the US, and I'm currently a student in high school. This will be my seventh term playing in the school RPG and I love it. If you want to RP, feel free to shoot me a VM. :]

Last edited by Lindzers; 03-12-2011 at 07:24 PM.
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