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Old 01-08-2011, 11:45 PM   #25 (permalink)

I Snuggle Werewuffs!
Love Potioneer
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: Lost in time/space
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Name : Arienna Hotchkiss Malone
Nickname: Ari
Age : 17
DOB: October 13th
House : Ravenclaw

Appearance -
i. Hair : Ari keeps her hair very short; It's a red-brown
color and is very feather-like--it sticks out in all directions.
ii. Eye colour : Underneath the milky film, Ari's eyes are
a crystal green color.
iii. Height : 5'9"
iv. Weight : 128
v. Defining physical features : Ari never goes anywhere
without wearing her dark sunglasses and carrying her white cane*.
She has a small scar on the side of her neck from a broken cello

Background -Ari was born to Fiona and Brendan Malone, and
is the first person in her family to be born in England. Her family is
from Ireland, and they are purebloods. She was blind at birth, much
to the horror of her family, and therefore had little to no childhood.
Her sister, Alice, is two years older than her, and no longer lives at
home. From very early on, it was apparent that the family's dreams
were meant to be lived through Alice; They wanted her to play the
cello and attent Hogwarts, taking as many classes as possible. But,
instead, Ari taught herself to play the cello when she was nine years

When Ari was eleven, she had been playing the cello while arguing
with her mother about not wanting to go to a school for the disabled.
Until this day, Ari's family thought she was a squib, as she had never
manifested any signs of magic. In the middle of the argument, Ari's
mother told her that she couldn't go to Hogwarts because she was
blind, and it was too large. One of Ari's cello strings broke, resulting
in the scar on her neck, and a picture frame sitting on the mantle of
the fireplace cracked. The picture was of Alice, who had been told
at a very early age that she could go.

Having spent several years at a school for the disabled, Ari would no
longer take 'no' for an answer when she asked to learn at Hogwarts,
and came in her fourth year.

Extra In-Depth Analysis - Ari dosen't care for people at all.
She is perfectly contented with being alone**. Despite this, Ari has a
gift for reading people's energy, and she is never wrong. While the
energy of her family repulses her, very few people make her smile,
and even less people are truly able to overlook her sightlessness. She
is fascinated with the human nature, even though she dosen't
understand a lot of it, and is prone to asking bold questions.
She can't stand to be told what she can't do, even though she will
admit to not being able to do many things.

Ari is convinced sometimes that she isn't human because she has nothing
dear to her. The closest thing to her is her cello, and she "isn't even
particularly attatched to it." It dosen't much bother her, but she is
sure she will never fall in love. It's not really a question of ability, but
willingness. Ari does much better by herself, preferring iscolation, and
she resents the way the people around her influence her***. Their
negative energy.

When, on the rare occasions, she cries, she will refuse to wipe away
the tears, believing in her heart that it is a sign of weakness. She will
not confide in people--she dosen't know how. Instead, she will play
her cello for as loud and long as she has to, usually turning sadness
into smoldering determination, not caring what people saying about
bottling things up. Ari views her soul like an experiment, not a treasure,
depending on the energy of a very select group of people to keep it

Mister Kapoor
Playing her cello
The smell of rain
Having short hair
Proving people wrong
Positive energy
The koi pond in her back yard
People (who are indifferent to her blindness) asking her about her sightlessness.
Rock gardens
River rocks
Her leather boots
Not feeling human

Not feeling human
Being told what she can't do
Getting lost and admitting it
Negative energy
Long hair
Things being moved
Dry weather

"There is a perk to being blind. You can make the world look however
you want to and no one can stop you."

*Ari, the imaganitive inventor that she is, has perfected a spell that
allows her to detect obstacles with her wand, not unlike the way a
bat uses sonar. If she does not have her cane out, she has her want
out, and vise-versa.

**Ari, with her gift for reading energy, will be happy in the company
of certain people, while she can be very frank with those with dark
or otherwise nasty energies.

***With her last year of school, Ari has become surprisingly outgoing,
prone to initiating contact instead of avoiding it. She has finally become
what a normal 17-year old girl should be. Fun-loving and energetic. At
least, as much as one can be when one is blind.

A few OOC notes from Ari's creator:

Don't be afraid of her. Don't be keen to avoid her; It's her last year, and she dosen't bite. Also, don't tell her I said this, but the girl needs a boyfriend. Like, SRSLY. Don't bother to watch what you say--she's heard it all. Besides. That'd be "interfering with her experiment".
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