Goo goo g'joob
Jacob ran down the grounds towards the familiar large Quidditch pitch and familiar office of a certain Head of House. He needed to see the man for several resons the most urgent of which were the most recent. His butt catching fire, the couch in the common room destroyed and his wand. Or the mere remnants of his wand, which was tight in his hand. He needed a new wand... and suddenly several possibilities ran through his brain. What if this was the only wand he could have, what if he was expelled for not taking care of the only wand he could have... What if he was exiled from the wizarding society to go live with the muggles once again. He couldn't show his face back in his old community, he'd be turned away from there, which was the least of his worries. Pirates could be quite brutal at times.
Jacob reached the door of Vindictus's office and knocked, hoping the man was in, cause he didn't feel like searching the school for Vincictus, while his butt was still stinging. That would be quite uncomfortable.