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Hmm. Defensive charms. This book did look interesting, and Finlay decided that it would be good to read this a little. Maybe he should've brought some parchment down too, so that he could've done some notes. But there would always be next time, and he really didn't want to look too nerdy within the first few days of the term. He did have a reputation to uphold.
He did open the book though, and start to read the first paragraph. Hmm. It could come in useful. But then he heard some more footsteps, and looked up to see two more students in the room. Well at least he wasn't along now. And they were both wearing blue robes too. Oh yes. Ravenclaws were awesome.
He smiled, resting the book in his lap. Well, it wouldn't hurt to get to know the people in his house, he was a prefect afterall. "Hey" That would work
Ellie looked over at the boy talking. Weeelllll, she supposed she could talk back. It wasn't like the Professor was here yet, right.
"Hi," she nodded.
And then she bit off the foot of her chocolate frog. Heh.