HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Why exactly had Trixie found herself here? And why on Earth was Neptune Bott dancing around with a load of butterflies without a care in the World? Riiiiiiight...
The Blonde never usually found herself here, at this time of year she'd be out relaxing before NEWT revision kicked in and the swotty girl studied as hard as she possibly could. She wanted to do well so attending as many lessons as possible was a must. But first, to work out why exactly Neptune was floating around in her own little dream world. Hmm... "Err.. Care to explain exactly what it is your doing?" she asked, approaching the younger student with an eyebrow raised. Some kind of..ritual.. Cos she was pretty certain normal people didn't stand there and do that, especially not in the middle of the Entrance Hall.
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