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"Yeah whatever, whatever. I'm not a pyro." Fletcher continued grumbling even as he untied his makeshift cape and used it to tousle his short hair and half-bearded face.
Then Jake decided to rectify his water spell with some sort of hot air charm and Fletcher got a nice taste of the sheet!cape as a result. "Thanks. Really. We've traded moods now. I think you're good."
He made a hmmph-ing sound as he got to his feet and slowly stared from the madly-laughing Jake to the source of the laughter.
"Hehhh." Grumpy Glitterpuff cracked a half-grin at the sight of the mess they had made. "We should go fetch ourselves some house-elves, dude."
"Probably a good thing." DEFINITELY a good thing.
"I wouldn't have stood a chance."
He grinned at the remark. Well duhhhhh... of course he was good.
"Yeeeahhhh... let's do that," Jake agreed. He wanted to sleep and house elves good fix this stuff super quickly. The young man couldn't stop a teeeeeeny tiny smirk, however.
"I totally won that, though."
But yeah... best clean up before some square reported the noise to Moretti.