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Anakin did his best to creep around the corner in the tunnel, being as quiet as he could, not that he really knew if he was suceeding, it was kind of hard to tell. But that didn't keep him from trying, merlin no. Peeking his head around to spot Crab Cakes, he grinned, before pouncing around the corner. "RAWRRR!"
He had fun with that, even if he might have failed.
Sebastian heard a loud RAWR from behind him and he just turned, his eyebrow raised at Anakin.
"Since when did you turn 6 years old?" He chuckled. Not that he was suprised or anything, Anakin was always up to one of these weird and awkward things these days.
"How've you been, mate? Been places, girls you've seen, anything?" He asked, checking his watch to see what time it was, then directing his attention back up to Ani.