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"More ways to prove you're awesome." He corrected, moving his hand to the back of her neck and giving her shoulders a quick rub. Tension already? Chiiiiilll. It was like 9 months away.
"Right. No distractions but inspiration is all good." Jimmy grinned. He inspired her, right? He pretended to consider her question and then snuck a kiss.
"So... Runes. What are you stuck on?"
"Me... awesome? If you say so." Alright, she knew she was pretty awesome at some things but taking tests wasn't one of those things. She let herself relax a bit when he started to rub her shoulders. But then it ended.
That wasn't enough, she wanted more shoulder rubbing. She knew she wouldn't get it though because that would be a
distraction. A distraction James seemed determined not to be to her.
"Yes, inspiration is good." She said smiling after kissing him back.
"Is that a preview if what I have to look forward to when we are done studying?" If it was then bring on the study session...
Which he did.
"Right, Runes. Well, I just don't get how they work. I mean how can some rocks or stones or whatever they are do the things the books say they can do?" Yeah, she felt really dumb for asking that one but really, she just didn't understand it.