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"We are kind of the same, you and I," Kurumi smiled from her bed wrapping one of the blankets snugly around her. "My father is a wizard, mother isn't. She knew though, but she made my father not tell my brothers or me about that until our letters came. Eleven years of secrecy can be, well, the most painful feeling in the world."
Alice nodded her head as Kurumi explained her very similar situation.
"I don't mind that she kept the secret from me, but the fact that she kept it from my father...and then she just left? No note or explanation or anything...just...gone." Alice let out a heavy sigh before drawing her eyes up from her clenched fists.
"Sorry, I shouldn't be dumping this on you. I'm glad you had a good summer. You don't by chance have any of those Gryffindor cookies left from dinner do you? I never got one and they did look absolutely delicious!"