Originally Posted by
princess of*hp*
Amadeus strolled through the corridor, feeling the mightiest that he had ever felt. It was his final term at Hogwarts and things were looking up. Sure, his best and only friend had passed during the summer, but Deus wouldn't, couldn't, let the mourning get him down. At least he could own the school solo without worrying about a sidekick anymore, which had both its pros and cons.
He brushing off a speck of dust from his shoulder as he strolled along at a relaxed chest. His arrogance was palpable as he took a hand to smooth back his blonde hair and adjust the one earring in his left ear.
Braeden was just doing what he does best - wandering around aimlessly. He just didn't like being still. Or being inside the castle too long; he needed the fresh air, the nature, the rainbows and bunnies hopping on the ground. Okay maybe not really, but he did like the fresh air. It made him feel refreshed.
Just as he was strolling down the corridor, admiring the views offered beyond its columns, he caught sight of a familiar face. Slowing his pace as he passed by the tall stranger, Braeden studied him curiously for a moment before realizing - ohey! It was that rich guy, LaCerda's friend! Brae could remember their first meeting in the train, how intimidating this character's presence had been. Had Braeden been a little... less blind, he would have noticed Deus wasn't all that impressed by his slow brain function and goofy smile, but Brae was completely oblivious and continued on with his dorky behaviour anyway.
"Hey! Amadeus, right?" asked the boy as he approached the taller one. He wondered vaguely if he would remember him, but before Deus could confirm it, Brae was already refreshing his memory - "I'm Braeden; Roderigo's friend from the train?"