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Fallon was so glad that the girl seemed happy about shoes. "I know. The shopping and the food there is amazing!" She really missed her Italian food. She would need to go down to the kitchens and see if the house elves could fix up some for her sometime. Fallon frowned. She felt bad for tall people that felt awkward wearing heels. "That stinks. I like wearing them 'cause I'm only 5 foot 4 and most people are taller than me." She liked be short though. Fallon was glad to finally meet another girl that liked shoes. She only had Iris and Satine to talk about stuff like this.
"I have never been," Eirian admitted sadly. "I traveled much with my father until I began to live on my own in Brazil, but I never got to Italy. I must admit, Brazilian jeans are the best. I miss the food, too." Sigh. If Fallon missed Italy half as much as she missed Brazil, Eiri would have to hug her. She yearned for her home... But not as much as she did two years ago after being displaced. At this point, she was glad to have a home at all.
"You see, I refuse to be taller than my boyfriend," she explained. "And he is nine inches taller than me, but with five-inch heels that is not enough of a difference for me. My best friend is four inches taller, and I cannot be taller than him... Because that would be odd..." If she was taller than Jay, it'd be confusing... "I love clothes shopping more than
anything, though. Please tell me you do as well!"