Text Cut: Brit 1
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"Yeah That true." She said wuth a smile. "Your very luck to have your uncle then." she added. "So what fiel...." she began but was cut off by her two best friends.... The two that were fighting at that moment... the two that if they broken up she didnt know who to comfort first
This was Not happening. This could not be happening. It wasnt even happening to her but it felt like it was. The two people she loved was hurting for very different reasons But she felt both their hurts
She stood frozen with her mouth open unable to decided what to do. She had to stop this. She had to help them... She looked towards mike with the most compassionate look she could muster before turning back towards em "Em... yo-you dont mean that.. she said in an audible whisper
At Brittany's words, Em cut her gaze over to her. She fixed her with a hard look, and said in a low stern voice.
"What if I Do." Text Cut: michael
Originally Posted by
Michael White
If this guy was talking bout himself then he was wayyyyy off base. turning his head to look at the boy You remind me of a friend that skiped a grade i wonder if yall are related do you know some one named Saph?"
bowing his head " Em your are right I did not think.... It was a fight or flight situation and somthing in my gut said dont bow down to him, but you are right I had no right to tell him your or Britt's name I just thought if he was what he said he was he would be able to find out who we were and that if we wernt up front with him he would just want to dig around more... trying to clear his dry throat" and if you want me to just go away I will so that way I get him looking in your direction " looking up at her " but if we are cool I cant say I will never do it again but I will try"
catching Britts eye and with a slight nod of the head for brit to go to Em,, with his voice cracking "I need to go send bubba to tell dad I made it to school and I am ok before curfew" with that he turns and heads toward the door
She let the boy talk before going back at it.
"There was no Fight of Flight! You weren't Involved!" She poked her finger at him.
"You just got all upset over loosing house points. If you care so much about the points, why don't you try earning some." She said vehemently. "
You just HAD to insult the man, and bring me into it. Hearing him suggest leaving, She hollered
"I Don't care what you do!'
But as he headed to the door, she took her wand into her left hand, and pointed at the bookshelf. She shouted,
"Accio Book!". Emmaleigh caught the book and threw the copy of
Hogwarts a History at the boy's feet.
"Read that and see what happens to those that get involved." she said bitterly, before turning her back on the boy.
Text Cut: brit 2
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As she heard Mikey Began to speak she directed her attention to him. He seemed so defeated, she just wanted to run over and give him a great big bear hug. Why did this all had to happen/ Especially since it was only the first day. *sigh* She listened to what he said to matty and she knew what he meant by the comment but she choose not to comment because they didnt need anymore drama.
She watched as he turn to leave. Should she stop him? she knew she would want someone to comfort her. But this was different. Boys were different. Maybe he needed to work this out on his on. She decided that was best so she let him go. But she would go looking for him if he didnt show in the next hour or so.
She immediately turned her attention back to Em after he left. "Em you cant be THAT mad?" she said more as a question then a statement.
Hearing the door to the common room open, and then close again, Emmaleigh turned to make sure that he had in fact left. Seeing that he was gone, she sat down on the recently vacated couch. The girl pulled her knees up to her chin, and upon hearing her friend's words, she began to cry. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. She wasn't supposed to get into a fight at the very beginning of the year, and certainly not with one of her best friends.
She looked up at the portraits hanging on the wall, and felt the tears running down her face.