Anyone... ♥ Gone but not forgotten ♥ ♥ S.S. Fan ♥ Willowgirl ♥
Willow wandered into the Hufflepuff common room and took a quick look around. It was kind of sad to watch everyone hugging and greeting each other after the long break. As Willow shook her head sadly back-and-forth and gave a quiet sigh, she ambled over to one of the only comfortable chairs by the fire and flopped into it. It was hard when your best friend was in a completely different house. Every year Willow had to get used to her separation anxiety. After spending summers at Janet's ranch, the return to school was always rough. After looking one last time around the huge room for a friendly face, Willow settled back into the chair, curled her legs up under herself and watched, mesmorized by the glowing flames, the welcoming fire.