Originally Posted by
Syd (:
Dallin laughed, rolling his eyes at Aimée's words and poke. She sounded like his mom right then; his mom always told him not to assume things. But that was just what he did, because he didn't have enough of an attention span to think things through when they had a perfectly good explanation in the first place.
He smirked slightly when she said he was probably clever. He supposed there must be some cleverness somewhere in him, but it didn't show itself all the time. "The hat actually chose my house pretty quickly," he mused when she brought up the Sorting Hat. "I guess it knows me better than myself." Which was sort of creepy, if you asked him.
He nodded slowly as she talked. Hufflepuff? That probably would've been his house, had he not been a Ravenclaw. "I could see you as a Hufflepuff," he said thoughtfully. Not that he knew many Hufflepuffs, but from what he'd heard about them, they wre nice and loyal and stuff. And he didn't exactly know Aimée well, either, but... oh nevermind.
Laughing at Dallins rolling eyes, Aimée realised that she must've sounded like a parent, or something like that. But not to worry, he didn't seem to have minded that much. Lowering her hand, she put it back into her other in her on her knee, and thought about the Sorting Hat, and how it had taken a while to be Sorted.
"It took a while to choose mine," she said, after Dallin mentioned that it put him into Ravenclaw pretty quickly.
"Must mean your very clever, and it's very obvious!" Or that he didn't fit into any other house. Unlike Aimée, whom it had struggled to find a house she
did fit into. Mental sigh.
"It was enchanted by the Founders, so I wouldn't be surprised," Aimée admitted, nodding because she'd felt the same.
"It is very weird, zough. Must be some very powerful magic." How on Earth a hat could see into her mind was beyond her, let alone to know more about her than she did. She hoped she hadn't been thinking anything embarrassing when she'd put the Hat on - there again, who could the Hat tell? It was a
He could see her as a Hufflepuff?
"I shall take zat as a compliment, yes?" she laughed. She wasn't sure what she could see Dallin as, but she put that down to not knowing much about him.
"I zink you'd make a good 'Ufflepuff, too," she said with a smile,
"Alzough I zink you will make a fantastic Ravenclaw." Quote:
Originally Posted by
Lady Lulu Vengenz
Second home? Kind of, considering Stephen was surrounded by people who were similar to the ones back home. Walking into the common room for a second term, he breathed in the usual smell the room had every time you entered. Stephen watched as people chatted and noticed Blondie Aimee talking with some people. "So she made it into Ravenclaw," Stephen thought to himself. He hadn't seen her since the train, due to him being at the Huffie table talking to Mia about pranks and whatnot. But for right now, Stephen just sat in a chair, loosened his tie and relaxed.
No harm done.
Turning at every sound because she wasn't used to hearing a door open this many times (unless it was hers when she was twelve and her brothers nine, and they'd still thought 'Knock-A-Door-Dash' was the funniest game ever) Aimée realised she'd have to get used to this place. Hearing the door open again, she caught sight of Stephen coming in and blushed deeply. So the boy she'd 'nearly killed' was in Ravenclaw, too? Sighing, she waved over at him as the blush faded away, and hoped no one had noticed it, and that he'd forgot about their meeting in Diagon Alley.