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*Matty just shrugged.*
"If reading a lot makes you smart. My uncle has a huge library almost the size of the one here at Hogwarts. Plus the place I went for summer holiday taught a few of the classes I would have learned in my 5th year. It would be a waste to do them over."
"Yeah That true." She said wuth a smile.
"Your very luck to have your uncle then." she added. "
So what fiel...." she began but was cut off by her two best friends.... The two that were fighting at that moment... the two that if they broken up she didnt know who to comfort first
Originally Posted by
Emmaleigh cut her eyes to the older boy, and glared at him too. She resisted the urge to tell him to keep out of it figuring that might not go over so well. Plus, he was mostly upset about the same thing she was. Except he seemed like he was being a suck up, and she did not like that.
She looked back at Michael. His father? Had he forgotten that she had met his father. He was rather nervous around wizards, she knew he wouldn't have done something like this. "Your Father, and any of his Military friends, would not have picked a fight with someone in a position over them." The could get like court-marshaled or something for that. She knew, she read books. "You were VERY rude, and very stupid back there. and. Not only did you bring attention to us, but you Told him my Name!" Her face was now as red as her hair. That was really the most important thing. She hadn't wanted to be noticed, and he had pointed her out. She turned to head to her dorm when she heard his next words. She fixed him with a look that could bore through him before saying. "You do That, and what ever we have." and she gestured between the two of them "is OVER." Ok. so maybe she was over reacting, but she was highly upset.
This was Not happening. This could not be happening. It wasnt even happening to her but it felt like it was. The two people she loved was hurting for very different reasons But she felt both their hurts
She stood frozen with her mouth open unable to decided what to do. She had to stop this. She had to help them... She looked towards mike with the most compassionate look she could muster before turning back towards em
"Em... yo-you dont mean that.. she said in an audible whisper