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"that's a bit odd, are you alright now?" Sammy asked, concerned ... HER BABY SISTER WAS SICK! A normal sensible sister, would've suggested to go see the nurse, but she was terribly afraid of doctors of any kind, mainly muggle ones. So she kept her mouth shut. "In Diagon Alley, just before school started again. Sel helped me pick it out" she said happily.
Then she felt as if something had hit her hard on the back of the head. Her hand flew immediately to the spot and muttered a small "ouch". then blinking a couple of times. Unless you were paying attention, you wouldn't have noticed her eyes turn from a bright green to a very pale blue. Almost ghostly.
She coughed into her hand a couple of times, then looked straight at TEE! "Katelyn, deary? Is that you?" she said in a completely different voice. Older, MUCH older. Then letting out a bit of a cackle.
Hayden rolled around hopelessly. STUPID THING NOT HAVING ANY LEGS!
"I don't know, I feel dizzy actually" She said swaying left to right, ughh, now she was feeling the worst today, Katie was feeling bad, she looked back up at Sammy,
"Really? Maybe Sellie could help me" Katie giggled, not her best giggle, as she was dizzy.
Katie then stared at Sammy, ughhh, her eyes were changing color? Was that normal?!?!?!
"Umm, Sammy, is it normal for your eyes to change color?" Katie said putting a arm around her shoulder, she was worried.

No one called her Katelyn, unless they were people who didn't know her nickname, but Sammy knew her nick names, she was Tee!
"Uhh, yeah?" Katie said, that wasn't Sammy's voice... THAT WASN'T SAMMYS VOICE
Vixy "Meow"ed at the puffball and some how giggled like a cat watching it roll around.