Character Name: Vadoma (Emily) Sierra-Jane Moonfield
Character Age: Will be 15 november 18th of 2073
Year in School: 5th
Wand: 12.5 inch Yew wood, unicorn hair core.
Pet: A white Albino Ferret name Karma, she also has a kneazle name Bubbles but this year she stayed in the Romani Village with Vadoma's
Physical Description: Vadoma (who used to be known as Emily) has wild brown hair (it used to be blonde until just after the feast, 5th year, she had an accident with her wand and turned it brown). She is rather tall too, six feet to be exact. She has piercing blue eyes and often wears eccentric or earthy clothing.
More About You (family background, friends, etc.):
Vadoma was born Emily Sierra-Jane Moonfield who thought she was a half-blood witch with the magic on her mothers side. Her mother was a witch, abandoned by her family in the woods as a baby where a traveling Romani (commonly known as Gypsy) family found her and raised her as their own. The luck of both of them the Romani group was also magical so Evela (Vadoma's Mother) grew up feeling normal. Her father met her mother outside of school, and her mother thought he was a muggle because he ran and owned a maple syrup company in Canada, where her mother lived. He was, in fact, a wizard who had also atended hogwarts but was four years younger than Vadoma's mother so she had never seen him, and he didn't care enough to correct her.
Vadoma was actually born a set of twins, and at the same time in the same hospital one of her fathers distant family members was giving birth to one of Vadoma's distant cousins. The distant cousin died shortly after being born but somehow the corpse was switched with Vadoma's twin sister. Vadoma grew up thinking her twin was dead since birth but then one day she got a letter from her cousin, who turned out to really be her sister. (The new contact between distant ends of the family had come about after Emily's grandmother on her fathers side, who had been a squib, died) She came to live with them over that summer (right after second year) because the man who had been posing as her father had been arrested and her mother had run out on them. The next year (third year, when Vadoma was still going by her birth name Emily) she came to Hogwarts, but died at the end of the year when falling down the stone steps in the entrance hall. Vadoma had blamed herself for the death but had only recently come to terms with the fact that it wasn't actually her fault.
At the very end of the year that her twin had died Vadoma was sent a letter by her aunt (with many greats attatched but the number of which Vadoma never cared to memorize) who was the fortune teller in the Romani village (Which had ceased moving about the country long before Vadoma was born) telling Emily of her newly found position as the aprentice Fortune Teller (called the 'knowing one' in this particular Romani village) and with it came a new name, Vadoma. At first Vadoma lived by the name Vadoma only in the village but now that she was spending so much time there and the village was growing to be a big piece of her heart she decided to permanently be called Vadoma.
SPOILER!!: more photos

Vadoma's parents.

Vadoma in uniform