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Old 01-06-2011, 04:00 AM   #6 (permalink)
Ivy Nienna
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Auden Azarolla
First Year
Default Prefect Ivory Vitya Erised
<.< >,> v.v ^,^!

Name: Ivory Vitya Erised

Nickname: Ivy

DoB: February 28, 2059, 4:44 a.m.

Blood Status: Half blood, Metamorphmagus (A rarely known fact that only her family and her best friend Arya,and of course the Headmaster are privy to. Abilities still very underdeveloped barely beginning to advance.)

Age: 14-15

Year: 4th

House: Ravenclaw, Prefect

Wand: 11.5' Hawthorn and Ivy with a Gubraithian Fire core (Heirloom that imprints with owner and fails to work with others)

Pet: Gyr falcon named Gavin

Eyes: Dark color, varying shades

Complexion: Light, sun kissed one would say

Height: Petite : 4’10”, and 4’11” on a ‘tall’ day.

Build: Slender, petite. Slight hourglass figure. Lanky preteen no longer. Now a more…feminine version XD

Hair: Varying shades of brown and at times other colors, depending on the circumstances

In Depth Look

Ivory Vitya Erised was born to Mary Vitya and Joseph Asclepius. Mr.Asclepius, a Healer a St. Mungo's, being of muggle upbringing ( Or so he thought) was still quite partial to the muggle life and had decided together with his wife to raise their children among muggles, in order to better appreciate their way of life.
Their first and only daughter, for only sons followed, was a perfectly normal little baby albeit a very small one. It wasn't until shortly after her 4th birthday that her mother noticed that her daughter's eye color seemed to change depending on her mood and although she was seen constantly biting her nails every time Mariana asked to see her hands, her nails appeared long and even. Worried that she was victim of some passing curse, she was taken to St Mungo's Hospital where she was finally identified as a metamorphmagus. It was a fact that mystified many a healer and her family alike. Her father had been thought to be of muggle descent while the Vitya line was one who could trace their magical roots centuries back and had no known history of any metamorphmagi in the family. It was considered a geneological oddity for Ivory to have been born one. Stumped for the moment, the Ascelpius family raised Ivory as they thought best. And because she would be attending a muggle elementary school, she was warned against changing her appearance and grew up with the phrase "Real beauty is on the inside" stamped into her subconscious. So with no one to teach her and no real idea of what her abilities meant or could progress to, her abilities were sadly lacking by the age of eleven and she was consequently labeled as being "underdeveloped."
Ivory grew up knowing she didn't quite fit in with the other muggle kids and the only time she felt completely at ease was during the holidays when the family spent them with her mum's blatantly magical relatives.
She was small even by an eleven year old's standards coming in at about 4'3" with average brown hair that falls in straight waves to her shoulders with large thickly lashed dark brown eyes which her mother says are best features saying everyone can read her emotions like an open book. Her mother’s side of the family is very curvaceous but unfortunately in her opinion there are only hints of that as of yet. The most she has advanced to do regarding her abilities was sometimes grow out her hair and maybe lighten and darken it a few shades (although it always went back) but even that took hours upon hours of excruciating concentration. And so Ivory sought refuge in music and reading...everything from her mother's old transfiguration and charms textbooks to the newest muggle fiction and she was rarely seen without a book in hand and a MEBAD (Musical Earpiece Bewitched for Auditory Duplication) in ear, which she sometimes plays her violin along to.
Of course, growing up with 3 younger brothers did not made it any easier on her, and she consequently has a few hobbies that aren’t quite as mundane. Playing a rough game of quidditch in the enchanted-to-look-normal backyard, is a favorite pastime when she actually feels like putting up with Artemis and the twins.
Due to her mother’s steady stream of community involvement, she has been an unpaid babysitter for more times than she’s ready to admit and has thus developed a very protective, nurturing side for those she cares about. Shy at first glance, it wasn’t until one really talked to her that it was noticed that she had a quick wit and excellent sense of humor although it wasn't too hard to see she was indefinitely very self conscious.
It was right around the time that Ivory received her Hogwarts Letter that another letter was received. A will detailing the life and inheritance of a certain William Erised. It was soon discovered that her father, Joseph Asclepius had in fact been adopted. The legal proceedings that followed were long and tedious, leaving many unanswered questions but resulting in the name change from Asclepius to Erised. Ivory now Ivory Erised had not only inherited a new family but a new heritage as well, the answer of where her abilities had come from finally answered.
Upon visiting Gringotts before attending her first year at Hogwarts, she was astonished to discover that there was in fact something left in her own name. And from a deep vault with an intricate door, her mother was given one single antique for it could only be called that as it appeared that old. A very aged wand with intricate carvings that the wonderful shopkeepers at Ollivander’s were able to restore. 11 inches of hawthorn and ivy with a core of Gubraithian fire. Since the first moment, Ivory held that wand there was never a doubt in her mind that it belonged to her. A fact only emphasized by the tiny flare of blue flame that blossoms from its tip everytime the wand is in hand.
Being awfully selfconconcious as she was, she usually hesitated before doing spells in front of people for fear of causing a fire however she has now grown more confidant in her magical abilities and has grown to love her wand as an extension of herself.

Time at Hogwarts
It was during her first year at Hogwarts that Ivory met her best friend and partner in crime for life, Arya Lovegoods. The year was passed voraciously reading everything she could get her hands on and trying her best in every class she could, finding a soft spot for a certain grandfatherly Professor Kazimeriz and finding a mother away from home in Professor Morgan-Lawson. Many memories were made that year, although not all of them good.
That year was also the year that Ivory was victim of the Imperius unforgivable curse and forced to duel for the entertainment of sick minded individuals along with being forced to fight against her fellow classmates and professors. Although she'd like to think that she's moved past it all, she still wakes up every once in a while from horrid nightmares that involve her being a puppet and forced to hurt the people she cares most about. Keeping all of that in a tightly closed box in the dark recesses of her mind however the only obvious result of the whole thing was that she developed an adversion to butterbeer.
After many a debate among her family, it was finally decided that Ivory would in fact be returning to Howarts.
The next two years passed by uneventfully for the most part. Between having fun with her best friend, making new friends and still being the book worm she's always been, Ivory has grown to think of Hogwarts as a second home.
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