Captain Jacob Blunt

Model: John Patrick Amedori Name: Jacob Blunt
Age: 15
DoB: March 24, 2058
Year: 5th
Wand: 11 3/4 in.; maple wood; Dragon heartstring
Current Position: Quidditch Captain
Favorite Subjects: Flying, History of Magic
Least Favorite Subjects: Divination, Herbology
Physical Description: Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 120 pounds
Grandfather: Marcus Blunt
Pets: an Aye-Aye named Bertha
Background Info: Jacob was as pirate, He was born and raised on the ship for 11 years. His Father is the Captain, His mother is the Deputy. Jacob had lessons in sword fighting, sailing, navigation. At 11 years of age he Received his letter to go to Hogwarts, when he decided to go to Hogwarts instead of Pirate Academy, His father Became furious and 'disowned him'. At that point Jacob's Grandfather stepped in and gave Jacob a home at 'The Isle of Blunt' an island Owned and passed down through the generations of the Blunt Family, Always through Male hands to keep the name that has made its mark on pirate history. Now obviously he lives with his Grandfather, and attends Hogwarts during the school term. Though Sorted into Ravenclaw, Jacob shows, or so he thinks, little intellect.
In his Second year, Jacob went for The quidditch team. He made chaser, and played in(I believe) every game, though he wasn’t the best chaser. After many flying lessons and Practices, Jacob realized he had more of a talent as a beater, and went for that in his third year. In the summer before Jacob’s fifth year (this term) Jacob received the Captains badge, which some
Ellie debate is rightfully his.
Extra Info: Patronus: Unknown
Boggart: Cake
Other Fears: Being Wrong, Cake, Getting in Trouble, Lafay, Cake, Flying Carpets, Flying Pigs, Spiders, Cake, Any Creepy-Crawlies, Ellie Stone, cake, THE Gorilla, Cake, and CAKE!
Personality: Looney… Just completely insane! (that pretty much sums up his entire personality)