Join Date: Apr 2009 Location: The Losers Club
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Reuben Albert Darcy-Stemp Hufflepuff Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Billie Love Stemp Gryffindor Fifth Year x3
| Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space. Aimée Adelaide Beaumont  model: Hilary Duff [the basics] Name: Aimée Adelaide Beaumont. Nickname/s: Aim, Aims, A. Age: 14. D.O.B: 4th July 2059. P.O.B: Paris, France. Current Residence: Hertford, England. Heritage: Halfblood. House: Ravenclaw. Year: 4th. Relationship Status: Single. Patronus: When she manages it, it shall be a snow leopard. Boggart: Ghost of her father. Amortentia: Oranges, Chlorinated Water, Sand. Wand: 11”, Cherry Oak, Veela hair. Favourite Subject/s: Arithmancy&History of Magic. Least Favourite Subject/s: Herbology&Care of Magical Creatures. [appearance] Hair: Blonde. Eyes: Hazel. Height: 5’3”. Weight: Like she’d tell you. Other: Long scar stretching from the middle of her fore arm to her palm; she got it when she dropped a kitchen knife at the age of nine. [history] Family: Mother: Adelaide Lucie Rivera is a Healer at a Wizarding Hospital in Paris, France. Father: Charles Benjamin Beaumont is a Muggle Accountant at a large firm in London, England. Brothers: André and Luc Beaumont are one year Aimée’s junior; neither of them inherited any magical ability, and they are therefore students in Year 7, Eton College, England. Pre-Hogwarts: Before Schooling
Adelaide and Charles met the summer after she graduated from Beauxbatons, at no other place than the top of the Eifel Tower. Even though he was six years her senior, after just a few dates, Adelaide had told him of her magical capabilities, and although he was shocked and confused at first, Charles accepted this ‘abnormality’ and their relationship blossomed. However, it was only five months after they met that Adelaide announced her pregnancy.
Due to both their families deeming a child out of wedlock was unacceptable, a marriage was hastily arranged, much to the dismay of both the eighteen year old and her husband. Although not uncomfortable with the powers his wife possessed, Charles half-hoped that his child would not inherit them, but he would never speak of his fear to anyone.
Three years after Aimée’s birth, Adelaide once again went into labour - this time, with twin boys. Charles was thrilled, and yet once again had the same hope that he had had with his daughter - that they would be regular Muggles. However, a month after the birth of her brothers, Aimée’s powers began to show; she was so used to having the full attention of two loving parents that she became jealous of her brothers, and so her bowls would upend themselves on her mothers head, and her toys would dance on her fathers feet. Not all of the three year olds outbursts where bad, however; when she was happy, flowers would go into bloom around her, even if it was not their season. Beauxbatons
At the age of eleven, Aimée was the only magical child in her family; her brothers had expressed no magical powers, and although the three siblings were close, they never showed any signs of jealousy. Aimée was enrolled in Beauxbatons, which was where she started her magical education.
By this time, however, her parents were getting on less and less; Charles was family oriented, and Adelaide was always wanting to travel, and go out with her friends, her love for her children depleting. After one argument during Aimée’s third year at Beauxbatons (one she was lucky to have missed - her brothers would never speak of it, describing is only as ‘horrible’, accompanied with a shiver) Adelaide announced she wanted a divorce, and nothing to do with Charles.
This statement ensured that Charles got full custody of their three children. Wanting to move away from France, his beloved home country, only came from wanting to leave behind all memory of his failed marriage. He offered Aimee a choice - stay at Beauxbatons or transfer to Hogwarts. She chose the latter. [personality]
Aimée is a typical ‘girly-girl’, who enjoys clothes, make-up, shopping and boys. The only thing missing is a best-friend (or, infact, any friend to share it with). She’s a little bit of a loner, and doesn’t get close to people that quickly; he father says that it’s a trust issue, but many people would think it was down to her cold, steely exterior. When she first meets people, she can come off as snotty, skeptical and horrible, but she’s not always this way. When people get close to her, they realize how much of a great friend she is; she’s loyal, and good at giving advice, and incredibly protective. Whilst at Hogwarts, her aim is to work harder on her ‘people skills’, let her guard down a little and make some friends. Likes:
- Beaches.
- Water&Water Sports.
- Make up.
- Boys.
- Heels.
- Clothes.
- Lip gloss.
- Orange Juice.
- Reading.
- Writing.
- Walking.
- Jellies. Dislikes:
- Spiders.
- Snakes.
- Dirt.
- Chocolate.
- Blood.
- Her mum.
- Boys with massive egos.
- Pop music.
- Ghosts. Pets:
- Archie. (Dog; stays at home during term-times.)
- Tansy. (Owl.) Motto: ‘I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.’ – Kurt Cobain.
__________________  ⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
Last edited by Harron Peasley; 01-06-2011 at 04:47 AM.