Zoey Ashford
Full Name: Zoey Caroline Ashford
Nicknames: Eskimo Girl...
DOB: February 17, 2059
Age: 14
POB: Juneau, Alaska USA
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Blood-type: AB+
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 115 lbs.
Eyes: Blue/Grey
Hair: Brown
Skin: Pale
Favorite Food: vegetable soup
Favorite Drink: hot chocolate... or root beer
Favorite Animal: rabbit
Favorite Color: indigo
Maggie Ashford
Eli Dunn
(god-son) Best Subjects: CoMC, Herbology, Astronomy
Worst Subjects: History of Magic, Divination
Prior Schooling: homeschooled, 2067 - 2071
Personality: Zoey can be very fun to be around at times, but knows when to stop and how to keep a straight head. She is
not fond of practical jokes because a) they're not funny and b) they hurt. She's very trained in hunting and martial arts. It would not be a good idea to sneak up on her unless you're in the mood to get kicked in the face... 'nuff said

She likes to be around animals usually more than she likes to be around people, but being alone will drive her insane. She is very calm in frantic situations. But again, I would like to stress
not sneaking up on her.
History: Zoey was born and lived just outside of Juneau, Alaska. She was born to two muggle parents. However, her mother died giving birth and was only raised by her father. At the age of seven, he was surprised when she began toddling around, causing sudden spurs of magical activity. Immediately he contacted a nice woman not far down the road that was a witch. Her name was Helga Davenport.
Zoey's first encounter with the law was not long after her father had met Mrs. Davenport about his daughters schooling. Mrs. Davenport's three sons were out in the field one day, playing with a broomstick. As Zoey cane across them they offered her a ride. Being too young even to control her abilities, she obliged and picked up the broomstick. It wasn't long after she had started flying in a rather wobbly manner, that the field was left behind. Having lived it a muggle neighborhood, several people saw her flying around on a broom, then crashing to the ground. The Ministry was contacted immediately and a hearing was set. In the end, the memories of the witnesses were erased and the kids were let off with a warning.
Not so many years later, at the age of nine, Zoey was sent to Mrs. Davenport's home to be homeschooled along with her sons and four other kids from around the neighborhood. Every morning she awoke at seven o' clock, dressed, and trudged through the snow to Mrs. Davenport's. She soon became best friends with a girl named Natasha Dunn- Nat for short. Nat was two years older than Zoey and was at a much more advanced level. Frequently, she would assist Zoey in her studies or with homework.
At the age of thirteen, her father was sent out on a hunting trip with some of other men around the area. They were gone for nearly three weeks before only two of the men returned, bearing the news that the others had all been killed. Zoey continued to live on by herself. It was nearly three months later that she found out that Nat was due for a baby soon. Upon the arrival of the baby, Nat became extremely sick. They were worried for the longest time that the baby would not live. However, the baby was delivered alive and Nat passed- her final wish being that Zoey was the God-Mother of her child.
The two lived in a struggled peace for four months, scavenging for food and money. Zoey took up as many local jobs as she could in order to supply what her and her god-son needed to live. She stopped going to the honeschool classes down the street and spent her time working. In the middle of June, a neighbor found out that she was an orphan and taking care of a baby. Immediately, all family was contacted until finally finding the only person left- Zoey's Aunt Maggie. She was sent to live in England with her Aunt, leaving behind Alaska.
Lucky Charm: silver rabbit necklace