Thank you for such a long comment...i love reading your point of views and explanations. its really is's a new post... DON'T GO...
As September 1st came around the corner there was an increase in movement around the house and the atmosphere charged up. Molly had seen more than 10 years of such frantic movement in her house. It first began when Bill had entered Hogwarts and continued till Ginny got over with it and today yet again she was up early to help Sara in her packing as she was to leave for France in about a week and the atmosphere in the house was yet again as if one of the children was still left with schooling.
The only difference this time round was Fleur was dropping in almost every other day to help Sara with shopping and packing and in process enlightening Sara about her country.
“you will love it there Sara” she gushed over the breakfast table where all the women of the house sat down for a leisure cup of tea.
“Sara how far is Paris from your place?” asked Ginny excitedly
“no idea, I mean I never asked Neville about it” Sara said shrugging and Ginny slapped her head.
“Sara, that is the most romantic place in the world!” exclaimed Fleur
“I am aware of its popularity amongst the couples Fleur” Sara said shaking her head and drained the last of her tea and got up to put it back in sink and walked back to join the discussion.
By afternoon Sara was slightly getting restless and was sort of going into a shell and responding in monosyllables.
“Sara, you alright?” asked Hermione as the women were preparing the Sunday lunch and then Sara turned and hugged Hermione tightly which surprised Ginny and Molly.
Hermione hugged her back and patted her hair.
“its alright, Sara. Its alright” she murmured.
Ginny could see Sara had paled and had shut her eyes tightly. Molly walked ahead patted her head and Sara opened her eyes to see the caring look of a mother. Moving away from Hermione Sara went and hugged Molly
“I am going to terribly miss you Mrs. Weasley, terribly miss you” she said as she hugged and Molly mutely nodded her throat chocking.
“we’ll keep in touch honey, we will keep in touch. Don’t worry, you will be fine” Molly spoke in her soothing motherly tone. Ginny walked ahead and placed her hand on Sara’s shoulder and she turned to face her friend.
Though Sara wasn’t crying the sadness and the pain of going away from her friends was evident in her eyes. Hugging Ginny Sara wished she didn’t have to leave any of her friends. It was just like leaving her family again. Leaving dad, Karan, Juhi, Rahul and Shaun…Shaun, she would be leaving him again.
"don't go Sara, don't. you don't need to" she heard Ginny whispering as she hugged Sara but in the back of her mind she felt like those words had been repeated from her past and Sara saw her brother and Shaun's face coming in front of her mind's eye as she hugged Ginny tightly.
hope you liked it...have a nice day...:-)
Last edited by harita; 01-05-2011 at 05:58 PM.